Variations on a Theme in Siouxland, Gene Leahy Mall, Omaha, NE

14 Dec
Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

I know having listened to classical music over the years there is a reference to “variations on a theme” in music, when a piece of it is used repeatedly in a production. I sometimes wonder as photographers if we create our own variations of a theme when photographing a subject and trying to approach it with different compositions and other ways of seeing the subject, similar yet not the same. I will do this on various shoots in and around Siouxland as I look for subjects or places I want to explore visually.

Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at dusk at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

At the Gene Leahy Mall near downtown Omaha, NE a bronze figure head was installed in an area near what might be considered a reflection pool, created by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko. On a recent trip to the city and the mall in particular, I and a few other photo enthusiasts worked our magic in trying to capture images. I arrived a bit earlier than the others attending a photo walkabout sponsored by a local camera store. I was hoping to incorporate some sunset sky on some images before the sky just became black.

And I also tried just photographing the head and its reflection in just black and white. I know many photographers will shoot in color and then just remove it. I prefer to shoot in black and white and create the image in camera. Forcing myself to spot on with my thought process. In for a penny and in for a pound. I find shooting in raw and then converting hedging one’s bets. Yes, it gives one more creative freedom later but in film days, one either captured the image in camera, or not.

And I was lucky there was little wind that evening with little to no movement in the water near the head. Photographing from different angles and incorporating various backgrounds like lit “Christmas trees”, or trees with Christmas lights was a nice way to spend part of an early evening and enjoying festivities as the days slowly count down to Christmas Day.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

7 Responses to “Variations on a Theme in Siouxland, Gene Leahy Mall, Omaha, NE”

  1. Brad M December 14, 2023 at 9:11 am #

    I do like the B&W version.

    • jerrymennenga December 14, 2023 at 10:25 pm #

      Thank you, Brad. I think black and white works in this instance. Although I do wish there had been the occasional red or blue light strand mixed in with the white lights. Picky, picky, but ever hopeful.

      • Brad M December 15, 2023 at 7:37 am #

        We capture the light that’s available. PS or LR does the rest. 😉

  2. squinthood December 14, 2023 at 11:06 am #

    Very nice. Just joined and looking forward to seeing your next project.

    • jerrymennenga December 14, 2023 at 10:22 pm #

      Thank you and welcome, Hope I don’t disappoint. Just some musings and imagery that strikes my fancy.

  3. ronaldpoels December 23, 2023 at 3:09 pm #

    Beautiful pictures. The bronze head, I love it.

    • jerrymennenga December 23, 2023 at 8:09 pm #

      Thank you. The late afternoon and evening time lighting makes the head so much more vibrant along with the reflection. I also like it when local art is utilized for public display in their communities. Thank you for reading.

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