Tag Archives: night photography

Christmas Decorations in Siouxland, Omaha, NE

1 Jan
A Christmas tree ay the Heartland of American Riverfront park area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

I just admit I never tire of getting out and trying to photograph Christmas decorations and trimmings in and about Siouxland. The bright, twinkling lights are uplifting and with other “bad” things in the news or happening, it is a bright spot (pun intended) for this holiday season. There still is some light in the world.

Christmas decorations in the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Christmas decorations in the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
People utilize the ice skating rink at the Heartland of American Riverfront area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

And it’s fun seeing people out enjoying the sights and winter activities, sans snow. It’s chilly, but not to terribly cold. In the Midwest and Siouxland, that is always a bonus this time of year.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

Trees are decorated with lights at the Gene Leahy Mall and Heartland of American Riverfront area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Seeing History in Siouxland and not Recognizing it, Old Market, Omaha, NE

16 Dec
The building housing Ted and Wally’s ice cream shoppe has a history dating back in the area known as the Old Market near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

I enjoy photographing architecture in cities, large and small, especially in the fall and winter, when the light is direct but not as harsh as the summertime, with the earth being as a different angle to the sun.

And many times when photographing places I respond visually not realizing what history there might be for some places that I do photograph. Ted and Wally’s ice scream shoppe is one such place in the Old Market in Omaha, NE. I liked how on this particular day it stood out with its white facade against the darker brick buildings and by this time low sunlight skimming the area from the west.

I learned more about Ted and Wally’s after reading a blog post by Omaha Exploration which went into great detail about the history of the building and previous owners and uses. The blog is centric to Omaha but the writer seems to enjoy sharing his knowledge about the area he lives in and around. It certainly helps inform me about places I have visited in that city as well as widens my knowledge and understanding about the area. A good resource and fun reading experience.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

The building housing Ted and Wally’s ice cream shoppe has a history dating back in the area known as the Old Market near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Variations on a Theme in Siouxland, Gene Leahy Mall, Omaha, NE

14 Dec
Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

I know having listened to classical music over the years there is a reference to “variations on a theme” in music, when a piece of it is used repeatedly in a production. I sometimes wonder as photographers if we create our own variations of a theme when photographing a subject and trying to approach it with different compositions and other ways of seeing the subject, similar yet not the same. I will do this on various shoots in and around Siouxland as I look for subjects or places I want to explore visually.

Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at dusk at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

At the Gene Leahy Mall near downtown Omaha, NE a bronze figure head was installed in an area near what might be considered a reflection pool, created by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko. On a recent trip to the city and the mall in particular, I and a few other photo enthusiasts worked our magic in trying to capture images. I arrived a bit earlier than the others attending a photo walkabout sponsored by a local camera store. I was hoping to incorporate some sunset sky on some images before the sky just became black.

And I also tried just photographing the head and its reflection in just black and white. I know many photographers will shoot in color and then just remove it. I prefer to shoot in black and white and create the image in camera. Forcing myself to spot on with my thought process. In for a penny and in for a pound. I find shooting in raw and then converting hedging one’s bets. Yes, it gives one more creative freedom later but in film days, one either captured the image in camera, or not.

And I was lucky there was little wind that evening with little to no movement in the water near the head. Photographing from different angles and incorporating various backgrounds like lit “Christmas trees”, or trees with Christmas lights was a nice way to spend part of an early evening and enjoying festivities as the days slowly count down to Christmas Day.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Bronze head by Omaha artist Jun Kaneko is illuminated at night at the Gene Leahy Mall area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Shooting the Moon Again, in Siouxland, Ida Grove

23 Sep
The super full moon rises behind a wind turbine in a field near Ida Grove, Iowa Wednesday evening, August 30, 2023. The U.S. Energy Information Administration stated in a 2023 report that in 2022 nearly two thirds of Iowa’s total electricity generation came from renewable resources. The report said almost all of the renewable energy came from wind and said the state of Iowa is the second largest wind power producer after Texas with wind energy powering 62% of the state’s net generation. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

I am always a sucker for trying to improve my photography in some areas. Photographing yet another super full moon in Siouxland was again a challenge. I guess I really do need to scout more and better locations. Near Ida Grove are a number of wind turbines and photographing them against a blue sky, as the weather forecast was for clear skies, would be ideal.

The super full moon rises behind a wind turbine in a field near Ida Grove, Iowa Wednesday evening, August 30, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

But then smoke from wildfires from the Pacific Northwest started filtering in during that time period and the blue, clear skies became grayish and somewhat murky. And trying to find the sweet spot for the exposure proved a bit frustrating as well as the moon was moving quickly and my settings were rapidly changing. Shooting too slow and one only “saw a stick” standing upright on the landscape as opposed to an actual wind turbine.

But perseverance is the what is called for, and I like to try new foreground subject matter as just “shooting the moon” to me becomes somewhat boring. But there will be other full moons, if not a “super” full moon, to continue trying to achieve a better moon shot and many locations still needing some exploration.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

The super full moon rises behind a wind turbine in a field near Ida Grove, Iowa Wednesday evening, August 30, 2023. The U.S. Energy Information Administration stated in a 2023 report that in 2022 nearly two thirds of Iowa’s total electricity generation came from renewable resources. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Experimenting with Vision in Siouxland, Le Mars

2 Nov

One of the photo sessions I like to do for my Fall Photo Safari class is have the students shoot at night. It requires a little different skill set and makes people stop and think a bit as the sun sets and night comes on. Different white balances, higher ISO’s, faster apertures if the lens allows. But I find it all part of the learning process. But it can also give them a chance to experiment and create more arty photos than strictly documenting. And it’s another way of exploring Siouxland, something I myself don’t do often enough.

Shooting at dusk during the Fall Photo Safari class during the evening in Le Mars, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 27 2018. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)


Shooting at night during a short rain for the Fall Photo Safari class during the evening in Le Mars, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 27 2018. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Throughout the evening walking about Le Mars it rained off and on. The photo of the Blue Bunny ice cream sign is nice in and of itself, but I really like the drops of rain hitting a puddle with the sign’s reflection showing. These are the kinds of opportunities I like to point out and the fact that I was using one of the florescent white balance settings that enhanced the colors a bit rather than shooting a more traditional documentary image.

Shooting at night one must be a bit patient, because opportunities will avail themselves.

Shooting at night during the Fall Photo Safari class during the evening in Le Mars, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 27 2018. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)


Shooting at night during the Fall Photo Safari class during the evening in Le Mars, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 27 2018. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

I also did a quick demonstration of using off-camera flash than can sometimes help enhance a subject or add a little extra.

Lori poses for a quick off-camera speed lite demonstration while shooting at night during the Fall Photo Safari class during the evening in Le Mars, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 27 2018. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

I know I took close to a couple hundred images in the span of one and a half hours. But I like shooting and attempting various possible photographs, some which work, and others that fail miserably. But, it informs me the next time I want to try something similar or find a situation I find interesting.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

Shooting at night during the Fall Photo Safari class during the evening in Le Mars, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 27 2018. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)


Shooting at night during the Fall Photo Safari class during the evening in Le Mars, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 27 2018. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)


Shooting at night during the Fall Photo Safari class during the evening in Le Mars, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 27 2018. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)