Tag Archives: SUNSET

Seeing and Enjoying Color in Siouxland, Gene Leahy Mall, Omaha, NE

26 Dec
The Farnam Pier structure at the Heartland of American Riverfront area near downtown in Omaha, NE Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

It’s hard while traveling about Siouxland and other points near not to enjoy the scene being photographed. Shooting at night is very different than photographing during the day. Mostly because of exposure but also composition which might take on a different point of view or aspect because of the lighting seen or absent.

The Gene Leahy Mall in Omaha, NE is a fun place to shoot. It does require timing and luck sometimes simply because weather can always be a factor. And if one is traveling any distance, it’s always nice when one can come away with exposures that made a trip worth it. The same can be said for those traveling to find various or specific bird species. Sometimes the photo gods favor the shooter and other times not.

But like many ventures, it is the journey and not the destination. But hey, the cherry on top of the sundae is always a bonus.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

Photographing the sunset at the Farnam Pier structure in Heartland of America Riverfront park near downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
The sun sets over a new installation of the Farnam Pier arch in the Heartland of America Riverfront park near downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Farnam Pier arch along the Heartland of America Riverfront and the Gene Leahy Mall in downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Sunset of the skyline looking at downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Blue Hour in Siouxland, Omaha, NE

24 Nov
Blue hour along the Heartland of America Riverfront near downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Fall in Siouxland is like a lot of places throughout the U.S. Colorful trees, shorter days ad the chance to shoot sunrises and sunsets without getting up extremely early or staying up extremely late to create of those images. And for the most part, temperatures are still decent enough one doesn’t freeze their posterior off attempting the photographs.

Recently I visited Omaha, NE and walked about the newly reopened Heartland of America Riverfront area. It also has been closed a few years like the Gene Leahy Mall for a makeover. And it’s very nice. A different nice as to me it was previously nice as well. But private money and corporate donations created an opportunity to improve on what it could be as a downtown or near downtown destination.

Roller skating during the blue hour along the Heartland of America Riverfront near downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Skaters enjoying a new outdoor roller rink along the Heartland of America Riverfront near downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

The community has gone to great effort to make the downtown area and surrounding parts family and pedestrian friendly. And a lot of people are out just enjoying the ambiance and seeing what is new. I also enjoyed the fact that I didn’t have to leave so early in the day to drive to Omaha or stay so very late to get some images of blue hour and the downtown landscape. Beauty needs it rest, although friends would certainly say it’s wasted on me.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

Blue hour and the skyline seen from the Gene Leahy Mall in downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)
Blue hour and the skyline seen from the Gene Leahy Mall in downtown Omaha, NE Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Capturing Christmas Lights in Siouxland, Sioux City

15 Dec
Christmas lights decorate the front lawn of the Sioux City Public Museum with the Ho Chunk Centre in the background as the sun sets Saturday, Dec. 04, 2021 in downtown Sioux City, Iowa. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

During the holiday season around Christmas it’s always a challenge to capture images of Christmas lights and decorations hoping to show them at their best and not in total darkness. Like taking photographs of people during the golden hour, the same somewhat applies to photographing the holiday decorations. And then one hopes that nature works in your favor and you get a nice sunset to help set off the holiday lights. Being prepared and ready to always good. But in these cases, being lucky isn’t a bad thing.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

A lit Christmas tree stands on the front lawn of the Sioux City Public Museum with the Ho Chunk Centre in the background Monday, Dec. 6, 2021 in Sioux City, Iowa. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

A lit Christmas tree stands on the front lawn of the Sioux City Public Museum with the Ho Chunk Centre in the background Monday, Dec. 6, 2021 in Sioux City, Iowa. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

A lit Christmas tree stands on the front lawn of the Sioux City Public Museum with the Ho Chunk Centre in the background Monday, Dec. 6, 2021 in Sioux City, Iowa. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Hanging out in Siouxland, Rural Monona County

16 Oct
A red-tailed hawk looks for a meal while perching on a wooden hi-line pole as the sun begins to set Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021 in rural Monona County looking about before flying off to possibly find a better hunting opportunity.

Out driving about some gravel backroads a week or so ago in Siouxland I enjoyed the sun dipping lower in a fall sky. I had decided to call it a day after driving a couple of hours looking for images when I saw this red-tailed hawk land on a hi-line pole. It was overlooking a corn field and I am certain the feathered creature was contemplating was delicious morsel might be available for a snack as it also watched the sun setting in the western sky. Eventually it decided to try another location, but it was enjoyable watching this bird look, preen and look some more, as though it wanted to be presentable for whatever occasion might arise.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

A red-tailed hawk scratches its head as the sun begins to set while perching on a wooden hi-line pole looking for a meal Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021 in rural Monona County looking about before flying off to possibly find a better hunting opportunity. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Doing a 180 in Siouxland, Sioux City

7 Jan
A sunset seen from the outskirts of Sioux City, Iowa Monday, Dec. 28, 2020. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Sometimes it’s just nice to enjoy the ambiance of the moment. Look one direction and see the day ending. Look another direction and see the night beginning. Life continues forward with brief respites and a chance to just enjoy.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

A moonrise seen from the outskirts of Sioux City, Iowa Monday, Dec. 28, 2020. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Springing Forward in Siouxland, rural Woodbury County

8 Mar

The sun sets behind a hillside in rural Woodbury County near Sioux City, Iowa Saturday, March 7, 2020. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

As daylight savings time kicks in here in Siouxland and elsewhere in the U.S., I will have to stay out a little later to capture a sunset, or earlier for that sunrise. Once the last of winter moves on and the temperature stays in the 50’s or higher, it will be more pleasant shooting either time of day.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

The sun sets behind a hillside in rural Woodbury County near Sioux City, Iowa Saturday, March 7, 2020. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)


The sun sets behind a hillside in rural Woodbury County near Sioux City, Iowa Saturday, March 7, 2020. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Finding the Time and Place in Siouxland, Sioux City

3 Feb

The setting sun creates a colorful sky seen in Sioux City, Iowa Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020. 9photo by jerry L Mennenga©)

A recent two-day warm up has put a smile on a lot of folks’ faces in Siouxland recently. Inches thick ice on sidewalks and driveways has melted away and even blue sky and sweater apparel made an appearance. But some times those nice days don’t coincide with other work projects and while looking out a window towards evening the beginning of a beautiful sunset was in play. Knowing there would be no time to “get anywhere” with a nice view and interesting foreground elements, I walked into an alley near my home and made a few images. Sometimes it’s hard to just take a photograph when you know that a different place could make it a very splendid photograph. But life doesn’t always work that way, so I settled for enjoying a sunset, and wishing for more warm days to come and blue sky and some color to celebrate.

And then I realize that the month of February has not yet really begun and will try to curb my enthusiasm as I am certain more winter weather will this the area. At least the little rodent, Punxsutawney Phil did not see a shadow which predicts an early spring. One can only hope.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

The setting sun creates a colorful sky seen in Sioux City, Iowa Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020. 9photo by jerry L Mennenga©)


Enjoying the Light in Siouxland, Onawa

1 Dec

Sometimes when out taking photographs in Siouxland I just enjoy watching the light and the effect it has on an area or subject. Time of day can play a part and whether it is a clear or cloudy day. Nice light is just nice light.

The moon rises above houses along the lake at the Lewis and Clark State Park near Onawa, Iowa Saturday Nov. 9, 2019. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Most times I find myself in the wrong place when this light happens. It is fleeting. maybe 10-15 minutes early morning and in the evening as the sun awakens the day and leaves for the night. Sometimes I get lucky and am near something that embraces the magical light which makes it a magical subject. But not often, so I enjoy the light. Whether I was lucky and was able to make a nice photograph, the jury is still out.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

Sun sun sets and light reflects in a body of water near the Lewis and Clark State Park near Onawa, Iowa Saturday Nov. 9, 2019. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Serendipity in Siouxland, Sunset in Sioux City

17 May

A ferris wheel at the Midwest Rides Carnival in the parking lot of the Southern Hills Mall is silhouetted by a setting sun, Friday, May 10, 2019 in Sioux City, Iowa. (photo by Jerry L Mennenga©)

Sometimes life can be good to you. I was working on a project recently in Siouxland and had finished and stopped by a grocery store on my way home. As I was coming out I saw the sky and the beautiful sunset that was occurring. There is also a carnival that comes to Sioux City every year and sets up nearby. It’s pretty compact squeezed into a parking lot area but I couldn’t have positioned the sun any better while trying to not include too many other carnival items in the frame. And simply worked the light and the ferris wheel until the sun disappeared, well, and my camera battery died.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa


Over the Moon in Siouxland, Bronson

15 Jan

Early one evening I thought I would go out and look for images in Siouxland having seen too many beautiful sunsets a few days previous. The color in the sky, the fact that the cold, arctic air had not yet descended on Siouxland made it hard not to go. This time out though I didn’t find the beautiful setting I was hoping for to show the setting sun, but did find a spot in the Floyd Township Cemetery on a hill to see the moon rising.

An older grave marker from another century has seen the moon rising for decades from the Floyd Township Cemetery near Bronson, Iowa Thursday Nov. 30, 2017. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga)

I don’t shoot with long lenses anymore. Not working for newspapers the glass was laying about gathering dust and these days I spend more time working with short primes and shooting a little more atmospheric as it were. Sometimes shooting tight meets the needs of telling a story by eliminating other elements surrounding a subject. Shooting with shorter lenses challenges one to do better.

The moonrise was pretty and the setting sun lent that somber feel to the resting place for earlier settlers who had come to this area to start a life. On a hill, peaceful in the country setting, a place to contemplate a life lived and what comes after and a change of one day into another.

Jerry Mennenga

Sioux City, Iowa

The rising moon becomes visible over the countryside near Bronson, Iowa Thursday Nov. 30, 2017. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga)

The moon risES over the countryside and the Floyd Township Cemetery near Bronson, Iowa Thursday Nov. 30, 2017. (Photo by Jerry L Mennenga)